Série All My Pain All My Joy
"I wanted to link writing to art: put words to emotions. The collection is inspired by nature. Resilience is the central message. The knots of trees structure the canvases. My poetry notebook is called "Balades en forêt", it will be the subject of a forthcoming publication. Each poem has been specially created for a canvas in order to describe the creative emotion."
Poem 2 – Painting #2
I didn’t understand
That it was in the night,
That the most beautiful light would spring,
The one that turns out because of its contrast.
I didn’t get it,
The useful beauty of the drama.
To be reborn to oneself,
Reborn in the world.
Unhoped for suffering.
Reinventing oneself, rebuilding oneself.
I lost myself to find myself,
Under a new face,
The one of maturity.
Poem 3 – Canvas #3
I’ve been inside you,
Lie down to listen to your whispers, your hymns, your secrets.
Where time is suspended,
Where words don’t exist,
And yet, where language transcends me.
I went to lose myself in you,
To find me better.
That I may not forget your smell,
Your colors.
May I always remain faithful to you,
Run through your arms.
Hug me.
I’m listening to you.
It’s just you and me.
Down with the masks,
What remains only what I am,
Without superfluity,
Without restraint…
Poem 5 – Canvas #5
Oh you pain carried!
Like a buried treasure
In my womb,
Long endured,
I get it,
How you shaped me.
You still transcend me.
You push me towards metamorphosis,
To give way to the gratitude of transformation.
Poem 6 – Canvas #6
I hear the laughter of my childhood,
The smile of innocence.
In your green color, I liked to hide,
In the rose, I played…
I wander among your wake,
Looking for all these faces.
Poem 7 - Canvas #7
My hands caress your leaves.
The scent of flowers intoxicates my senses.
My eyes are captivated by your wise curves.
Your age is taking shape in the trees.
Close to you, I feel reassured.
Your strength transports me.
The sun caresses my skin,
Like a gentle comfort.
My soul is anchored.
My night is full of stars.
Then disorder reveals its hidden meaning.